Data Bites - Seattle Urban Wildlife
A Call for Comprehensive Animal Welfare Planning in Seattle
Extreme Weather and Companion Animals
The Importance of Veterinary Telemedicine
West Seattle’s Animal Cruelty Case - Lessons Learned
SB 6064: Housing Issues Affect Animals Too
Anatomy of a Criminal Trial: Part 4 - Court Rules, the Most Important Set of Rules You’ve Never Heard Of
Data Bites: Seattle Animal Shelter Intakes, 2016 to 2022
Data Bites: The Seattle Animal Shelter Spay/Neuter Clinic
Introducing the International Rights of Nature Movement: Turtles and Rivers
Anatomy of a Criminal Trial: Part 3 - Litigation and The Plea Deal
Declawing Cats Now Illegal in Tacoma
Managing Community Cats - Legal and Policy Problems
Data Bites: Animal Intakes at the Seattle Animal Shelter
Book Review: What it Takes to Save a Life by Dr. Kwane Stewart
Is it an Animal Shelter or an Animal Rescue?
Protecting Furry Family Members: Pet Daycare Businesses & You
Data Bites: Shelter Intakes 2016-2022
The City of Seattle and Animal Services: The (Quite Clear) Funding Message
Veterinary Social Work - a New(ish) Field